Include frequently used links into Slack Channel Topic and Description areas for easy access

Slack is a great tool many staffs use to communicate with one another and it’s a great application to teach students as many may find themselves using it in professional jobs post high school.

One pro tip is to utilize the Topic and Description areas of each channel, not just for information, but also for links you’d like your staffers to be able to find easily.

If you have the appropriate user access level granted in Slack, you should be able to click on the channel and then edit the topic or description. My staffs uses these areas to share a variety of links, such as:

  • A Calendly calendar to sign up to use the studio
  • Photo Request Google Forms
  • Google Folders for staffers filled with resources for different sections
  • Staff Calendars

Jordyn Kiel (who I share a program with) and I had a handful of different things we wanted to make sure students always had easy access to as well. This ranged from our worknight dates and fundraising info to Adobe access information and resources for our final (which deal with resume and portfolio creation tools). Instead of adding multiple links into the space, we created one Google Doc where all the info is neatly organized and contained — making it a one-stop shop for many frequently asked questions students have.


Written By: Aaron Manfull