If you’re looking for a nice 45-60 minute activity for your staff over the summer or to start the school year, the “Defining Website Goals” is a nice one to get your staff centered.
The lesson is part of the JEA curriculum and works to have participants do everything from research best practices to define the nature and purpose of their website. The lesson includes Survey Results Worksheet as well as a Group Evaluation.
With so much that can be done with the web, I think it’s important for staffs each year to figure out what their goals are and what they want to focus on. The web can go pretty wide and deep and get a bit unwieldy if there’s not a strong focus on set of goals by staffs. This activity in the JEA Curriculum is a really nice one to help staffs make sure they set some priorities to make their site the best it can be.
This curriculum is available to all JEA members. To access the curriculum, you must be logged in to the JEA Curriculum site. Once you are, you can access this lesson here: Defining Website Goals.
Check out the video here to learn more about the JEA Curriculum. If you’re a member you can login to access the curriculum here. If you’d like more information about the benefits of JEA or if you want to join JEA, you can find more information on JEA.org.
Written By: Aaron Manfull