How To Easily Turn Tweets Into Cool Instagram Posts Using the Buffer Remix App

Recently, I was reading Chris Snider’s Digital/Social Media newsletter and I came across his tool of the week which I had to check out.

He billed the Buffer Remix app as a great tool to easily turn Tweets into nice looking Instagram posts.

I decided to try it out. I downloaded the app, pulled up a recent Tweet from my school’s wrestling team and within a couple minutes, had a really cool post I could send to Instagram either as a post or a story. Once you download the app, things are pretty simple.

Step 1: Find a Tweet you want to use. (I’m doing this all on my phone only using the Twitter app and Buffer Remix app.

Step 2: Hold down on the photo so you can save it to your camera roll.

Step 3: Grab the URL of the Tweet

Step 4: Open the Buffer Remix app, click on the ADD URL button at the bottom and then paste the URL you snagged from Twitter

Step 5: For this, I changed the style and added the photo to the background with the corresponding menu options at the bottom of the app, then I chose the sizes I wanted and could send them directly to Instagram, save them to my camera roll, post them to Buffer or choose other options

Step 6: Share your creations

I really love how easy it was to create these nice looking posts. I highly recommend this app and will be pushing my social teams to start using it. Also, if you don’t know about using Buffer to schedule social posts, check out this article on this site.

Written By: Aaron Manfull