Hotspots: A new addition for mobile reporting

This year the the mobile reporting staff has added a hotspot to their equipment.

At the end of last year one of the biggest limitations to reporting school events with speed was having to come back to the newslab or go home to post stories.

To solve this problem the staff has purchased a mobile hotspot from one of the larger cell phone companies.  It currently runs on 3G, but will hopefully be upgraded to 4G this fall.  Even with 3G access the hotspot works well for uploading photos and stories to a WordPress site.  Video is not possible, but will hopefully be possible when 4G is added to the service.

The cost is around fifty dollars per month.  Some cell phones do allow for tethering of their phone to a laptop, but this option was cumbersome for most reporters last year as many times it the phone to laptop did not work properly.  The hotspot seems to be working much better and can work with up to five devices at a time.

Written By: Jonathan Rogers