Hootsuite’s blog offers some tips for tracking Snapchat analytics

Gathering data to track the effectiveness of your staff’s social media channels is important. Fortunately, there are lots of built-in tools for many of the social networks ranging from Twitter’s analytics  to Facebook’s publishing tools. While Snapchat analytics are just as important to track, there isn’t a handy tool yet for tracking data of the different stories your staff posts. The best many staffs are doing currently is making sure they save each story after it posts and then work to track story views on a spreadsheet before the 24-hour window erases the info.

A recent blog post by Hootsuite actually gave some tips on what kind of data you should be tracking from your Snap stories. Check out their post here: Snapchat Analytics: How to Measure Your Brand’s Efforts on the App.

What’s your staff doing to track its Snapchat analytics? Would love to hear in the comments below.

Written By: Aaron Manfull