While many schools exchange hard copies of their publications via the mail, ISSUU.com allows for staffs another way to share their work and get ideas from others.
I’ve worked to created a stack within ISSUU of high school newspapers. You can find the stack here. The stack includes one newspaper from each staff and in most cases it’s not the most recent issue. I will work to keep the stack updated as I find more. If you are not part of the stack and would like to be included, please email me your URL or send me a message with it on Twitter @manfull.
If you want to find all of the newspapers from a particular staff, follow these simple directions.
1. Go to the stack I have created.
You can find it here: http://issuu.com/aaronmanfull/stacks/53a902cf8a0146de804bdba9815faf03
2. Click on one of the issues in the stack.
3. Once the issue is on display, eliminate everything after the second “/” .
For example, if the URL looks like this: http://issuu.com/fhnpublications/docs/binder1_e32fd614e76f58 eliminate everything in blue.
4. You’ve made it!
Once you delete what was in blue and hit Return on your keyboard, you will be directed to the publication’s landing page where all of their uploaded issues will be shown. From here you can look through what they’ve uploaded, stack specific issues or even follow the publication from within ISSUU.
Written By: Aaron Manfull