FHNtoday.com & FHN Staff Structure for 2009-10

Francis Howell North Staff Structure for 2009-2010
This is a working draft of the how the staff structure will look for the 2009-2010 school year at Francis Howell North. You will notice three publication hours: one is yearbook with writers and designers, one is newspaper with writers and designers, and the other is a digital media hour.

That hour will house all photographers, videographers, the web team, a business team and more. Members of the digital media hour will be doing work for both the newspaper and yearbook staffs. There will not be individual photographers in newspaper or yearbook, but rather a pool of them in the digital media hour. While everyone on all staffs will be cross-trained in multiple areas, each of the three publication hours will have a directed focus. You can download a larger version of the PDF of how things are going to be structured.

Written By: Aaron Manfull