Feb. 18 Poynter Webinar – Multimedia Tools: Your 2010 Shopping List

Poynter Multimedia Webinar

When every dollar counts, you want to make sure you buy the right gear. Check out the latest cameras, mobile devices and apps to help you tell multimedia stories in Multimedia Tools: Your 2010 Shopping List. In Thursday’s Webinar from Poynter’s NewsU, you’ll learn about the latest gear as well as ways to get the most out of what you already have.

Join Ellyn Angelotti, The Poynter Institute’s interactivity editor, in her annual review of multimedia tools. In this Webinar on Thursday, Feb. 18, she will introduce you to innovative tools that will help you produce quality multimedia stories. We’ll also give you 50 percent off the 2008 and 2009 Webinars when you sign up for Thursday’s Webinar on the latest tools in 2010.

As a bonus, Angelotti will answer more of your questions in a live chat at Poynter.org following the Webinar.
In this one-hour Webinar, you’ll learn:


  • How to select a camera based on your needs and budget
  • How to get better audio and video from your SLR camera
  • How to use new accessories that will improve the quality of your video, photographs or audio
  • How to record professional-quality media from your mobile device



This Webinar is for reporters, producers, editors and others who use or buy multimedia equipment and want to make sure they are making the right choices.

Sign up today for Multimedia Tools: Your 2010 Shopping List to learn how to buy the latest digital equipment without going over your budget. The cost of this one-hour Webinar, at 2 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday, Feb. 18, is $24.95. For more information and to register, go to www.newsu.org/MultimediaTools2010.

Questions? E-mail us at webinars@newsu.org.

Written By: Aaron Manfull