As your year is winding down, there will likely be a list of things to take care of to close the program down for the summer as one group leaves and another group steps up to take the reins. One thing you will want to do is make sure to change passwords to things graduates won’t need access to anymore.
While changing passwords on social networks is a good start, you will also want to go in and check your connected applications settings and revoke access to connected apps (see the image above to see what this looks like on Twitter). If you don’t do this, there is a chance some people who are no longer part of your program could still have access to the social network account, even if the password is changed.
This is just one of the many things you should be doing in May. We’ve talked about some of these things previously. Here’s a nice starter list from a few years ago by Sarah Nichols called A Checklist of Digital Media Things To Consider Before Closing Out the Year.
Written By: Aaron Manfull