My editors for next year decided to move staff communication to Slack for next year. I’ll no doubt be sharing documents and tips here this year as we progress, but I’d like to start by sharing a handout we’ve already used.
One of my editors, Jena, decided to take the reins of the Slack transition and rollout (having a designated editor in charge of those two things is something I highly recommend).
She created a presentation, giving the team an overview of what Slack was and how we would be using it. After that, she had everyone run through the Slack Checklist I’ve shared here.
It’s a great document that she created for people to walkthrough different aspects of the program to get used to how Slack works and what it’s capable of.
It’s important when using new apps or programs or technology to not just show the thing off and then tell people to use it, but give them some hands-on training from the start. A checklist like this does just that and is great to get staffers off and running.
You can download the FHNtoday Slack Checklist here.
Written By: Aaron Manfull