Cover it Live “The Doctors Are In: Broadcast Edition” is a web based live blogging tool that allows you to broadcast live commentary with anyone around the world.

And on February 4th at 6pm CST, our friends from the National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) present, Cover it Live “The Doctors Are In: Broadcast Edition” with yours truly, along with one of JEA’s leaders in scholastic journalism and broadcasting, Matt Rasgorshek from Westside High School in Omaha, NE.

For one hour, Matt and I will chat online with any journalism adviser who wishes to be a part of the conversation. We will cover basic broadcasting questions such as “what type of camera should we buy?” To more in-depth questions, either technically or content-wise.

Simply submit your questions throughout the conversation so you we may help you directly. In addition, Matt and I will share our “Top 5 Tips” for broadcast journalism.

This is a really easy and great way to connect with other advisers in an online, written chat. Please joins us on Monday night February 4th at 6pm for our “The Doctors Are In: Broadcast Edition.”

If you can’t make it, or wish to view the conversation archive, feel free to visit the site after the chat. Archived chats are on the right-hand side under Completed Events.

Written By: Don Goble