Cover It Live Chat: Social Media and the High School Journalist – Incorporating Social Media Into Your Program

The digital media committee hosted the first in a series of JEA’s Cover It Live chats. The event was Thursday, Jan. 26, 2012 and covered a variety of topics from how to use social media if your school blocks the sites to best practices with the different social options. If you didn’t get a chance to check it out or if you’d like to scan back through the night’s chat, you can find the event in its entirety here.

The chat was hosted by Wendy Wallace of the Poynter Institute, Jesse McLean of Watterford Kettering High School, and Aaron Manfull, the JEA Digital Media Committee chair and 2011 DJNF High School Journalism Teacher of the Year.

The JEA Scholastic Press Rights Commission will lead the next online chat at 3 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30. If you need updated information on policies for print and social media or have questions about legal or ethical issues on your staff, this will be a chat you won’t want to miss. You can find the chat on Monday here.

Written By: Aaron Manfull