Consider Running A Class Selfie Contest On Your Website During School Spirit Weeks

Homecoming is right around the corner here so staffs are planning for photo galleries, videos and coverage for everything from the yearbook to the newspaper. One things my staffs have done the last few years (and something I’ve seen many other staffs do) is host a spirit week class selfie contest. I like contests like these for a few reasons:

  • It’s a way to increase engagement on the site
  • If it’s early in the year, it’s a nice way to get the masses to the site for an annual relaunch
  • It’s fairly easy to do

You can see a template of how to go about it here: The Google Form doesn’t exist on that page anymore, but you can see the process and rules they shared. Overall, it’s pretty simple:

  1. First hour classes take a group photo of everyone who is participating in the spirit day
  2. The class emails or shares the photo on social media with the staff by a certain time
  3. Those photos and classes get put into a Google Form where a voting form is created
  4. The voting form gets embedded onto the staff’s website
  5. The page where the voting takes place is shared with the school via email, social media, flyers, etc.
  6. Voting takes place until a certain time and a winner is declared
  7. My staffs have chosen to provide donuts to the winning class each day but you could come up with your own reward from one winner at the end of the week to a bragging rights trophy that travels

Have a contest you do with your staff to engage your audience? Would love to hear about it and feature it here. Drop a comment below or email us at

Written By: Aaron Manfull