Chickens, Dinosaurs and Internet Teams

For the new year I decided to try a new organizational strategy to encourage more posts on the Web site and integration with the print publication.  The idea is to use Internet Teams that compete against each other.  Each team will have a week to rack up as many points as possible. Points are earned for stories posted on the Web site, Facebook posts, video uploads, live event coverage, and more options that are listed on the worksheet below. The winning team earns a pizza party at the end of the trimester.

In the past I had tried assigning days, separate positions, and month long responsibilities.  Most of the structures were met with the usual glares of why are trying to give us more to do.

Putting them on teams and making it a competition is going over well in the first few weeks.  The idea came from a language arts unit over Hunger Games and Lord of the Flies.

Internet Team Worksheet

This wall hanging was created by team Chiken Slash Dinosaur. They started off well with well over five posts for the week on Web site, a good number of Facebook posts, and a “very popular” Facebook event.

Written By: Jonathan Rogers