Broadcast Lesson Plans and Resources

In the past year or so, some tremendous resources have been developed for broadcast journalism teachers.  These lesson plans, guides and advice are especially great for beginning advisers and staffs, but experienced teachers will also find useful information.

JEA Curriculum Initiative

JEA-curriculum-intitiativewebDeveloped to support JEA members, this vast array of lessons, course outlines and other materials covers all aspects of scholastic journalism.  For Multimedia/Broadcast, sample courses are available in six, nine, 18 and 32-week course modules.  You must be a current member of JEA to access these resources.

Broadcast Staff Manual for The Scholastic Press

Developed by Chris Waugaman for his graduate thesis project at Kent State University, this website has a variety of ideas specifically tailored for broadcast journalism advisers.  Included in the site are syllabi for Broadcast I & II courses, divided into 9-week units, Law and Ethics, tips on organizing your staff, and more.  Free.

Guide to Broadcast and Video

The compendium of  broadcast and multimedia articles on this website written by award-winning broadcast journalism teachers.  The page continually evolves as new articles are published and new products, apps and techniques emerge.  Free.

PBS Student Reporting Labs

Developed to help member schools improve their output, this site contains detailed lesson plans for newsworthiness, copyright and fair use, interviewing, production planning and more.  The lessons include project handouts, and even provide ISTE and Common Core standards to make your administrators happy.

What are your favorite online resources for broadcast journalism?  Share the love by leaving links in the comments below!


Written By: Michael Hernandez