Little did I know the adventure I would embark upon.
Having used for years, I wasn’t ready for the number of options I had for creating a flipbook.
There’s a variety out there, and in my naïveté I chose the one with a free download. Instant Flipbook is a nice program, but its $77 price tag for my itty bitty experiment wasn’t as immediately satisfying as the quick download was.
I had already chosen 22 .jpgs for my photo gallery, reduced their sizes to less than 1 MB each, renamed them, and resaved them as .pdfs.
I tried a few free flipbook programs, like the Instant Flipbook above in which I had to take one more step to combine the 22 .pdfs into a single .pdf, but nothing was working easily.
Then I remembered, which is a mobile app.
I signed up, chose the 20 picture limit (no other editing or preparation), and after adding a caption was able in less than one minute to publish to Facebook and Twitter.
I shared the flipbook links by email to myself for use here. My email notification from Steller looked thus:
Immersive Storytelling workshop in Indianapolis had participants try out Google VR viewers.
– Get Steller free on the App Store:
Sent from my iPhone
Written By: Michelle Harmon