ATPI Summer Journalism Workshop for Instructors Only – Allen, Texas

ATPI Summer Journalism Workshop for Instructors Only

Where: Allen, Texas

When: June 6-9, 2012


Contact: Mark Murray

Digital Media Courses:

WordPress Bootcamp – Become a WordPress/online media pro! In this class, you’ll create, configure, customize and learn how to maintain a WordPress news/magazine/portfolio site. You’ll also learn how to create and post photos, slideshows and digital video/audio files, and promote everything you create using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. The class will focus heavily on understanding WordPress and website maintenance, with a secondary emphasis on content creation. We strongly encourage participants to setup approved web hosting accounts before they arrive at the ATPI workshop, with assistance from the bootcamp instructor. Bootcamp participants will leave the workshop with a fully-functional online site.

Photoshop CS5 Certification – Ready to put A.C.A. after your name? To be an Adobe Certified Associate you must pass a rigorous exam in an Adobe software product. This class will offer a detailed preparation for the Photoshop CS5 A.C.A. test, which participants may choose to take for free on Friday afternoon.

Additionally, instructors will leave the workshop with ideas for assignments and teaching tips for their classrooms.

Written By: Aaron Manfull