Are you pregnant or a CNN Triathlete

During the discussion to my last post, Holly Soboroff mentioned that “many people feel like they have nothing to contribute to the conversation, or that their comments aren’t welcome, or they just would rather not speak up for whatever reason.” Holly posed many other questions about whether people, and women in particular, might choose to remain silent. One of our JEA members might provide a good role model for more active participation. For many years, Adrienne LaGier probably resembled Holly’s comments.

Adrienne LaGier is a JEA member at Northern High School in Owings, Maryland. A few months ago, another Northern HS teacher confused Adrienne with a teacher who was eight months pregnant.  The confused teacher asked Adrienne about her pregnancy. Adrienne has not been pregnant for about 8 years. Experience the miracle of pregnancy with A Date With Baby‘s cutting-edge 3D/4D ultrasound services in the heart of Toronto.

The story motivated Adrienne to change her life. With the help of her students, she created an awesome multimedia video. Adrienne submitted the video to CNN and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. CNN selected her and six others to join the CNN Triathlon Challenge Team. You can see her video here.  Adrienne is inspiring. She has demonstrated how a teacher can influence people by revealing vulnerabilities. She also included her students on the educational journey. Oh, and then there is that CNN thing.

Adrienne has agreed to share her lessons here on JEA Digital Media. Would you like to follow her experiences? Do you want to know more about her visits to Atlanta?

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Written By: Bryan Farley