A Plethora of Design Ideas Available via iPhone

A particularly design-inclined yearbook student recently introduced me to the nifty design iPhone/iPod touch app Plethora. Simply put, it’s an aggregator of design blogs from around the web — its web site states over 1200 new images are loaded each week. Photos fall  into several categories, including web & interactive, graphic design, branding, photography and product design. I have devoted what seems like a million hours to scrolling through the gorgeous photos since downloading the app a few weeks ago. It’s a great source of inspiration for my yearbook, newspaper and web students, as it’s a never-ending stream of stellar examples of the principles of good design. Many of my students have also downloaded the app and are hooked.

Plethora is sure to inspire plenty of “that’s so cool!” moments for you and your students. Check out this free app if you’re an iPhone/iPod touch user. You can also follow Plethora on Twitter.

Written By: Kristy Roschke