Digital Media Library JEA’s digital media library educates both high school advisers and students on relevant topics and training, including websites, podcasts, broadcast, social media and more. Web and Multimedia SNO Adds Timeline and Imagelink updates to Site Booster Add-on Adobe Programs / Broadcasting & Video Adobe Premiere’s Text-Based Editing Helps Make Video Editing Go More Quickly Adobe Programs / Social Media Use Adobe Express to create lockable graphic templates for your team and keep them on brand Categories Adobe ProgramsAI PoweredBroadcasting & VideoContests & WorkshopsLivestreamNewsroomsOrganizationPodcastingSocial MediaWeb and Multimedia Organization Reporting Across Platforms Web and Multimedia 9 common usability mistakes – Smashing Magazine Organization Sites that host photos and allow you to sell them Web and Multimedia How to create a Favicon Web and Multimedia Now a look at the “Should We?” Web and Multimedia Web site name (URL) too long? Forward it. Web and Multimedia Web and Print Legal guidelines are the same Organization How the Federal CDA of 1996, Janet Reno and scholastic Prior Review are linked Web and Multimedia You don’t need permission to run photos in your web news publication Web and Multimedia The three ‘P’s of online legal issues Social Media Twitter: What it is and its potential for scholastic media Web and Multimedia Online Web sites: Getting started 1 2 3 … 136 Next » Load More