Special Video Projects? Here’s how you plan the right way.

Maize High senior Olivia Allen shoots a scene for the Maize High 2021 baseball hype video in the USD 266 FEMA shelter on Tuesday, Mar. 27. OneMa1ze Broadcasting students often found ways to create sports hype videos that not only helped athletic teams, but also counted as class projects for credit and were used for Kansas Scholastic Press Association regional and state contests as well.

Have you been tasked with creating a PSA on new parking procedures for your high school? Ever had a coach shoot you an email about slicing together highlights of their respective season? Do you have a small business across the street from your school that needs additional promotion and contact with your student body and school community?

All of these (and plenty more) encompass the kinds of creative video projects that may be coming your way this school year. Regardless if you instruct newsmagazine, online, yearbook or are strictly video, many within your own building look at your students, your program and your skillset as the designated resident “video creator” for all school projects.

Where’s the starting point? What are the many variables to consider when coming up with a game plan? Where can you find a few helpful videos to pair with your instruction and the pre-planning that goes into these large video projects?

Check out this “Pre-Production for Creating a Video Project” form that I’ll be using this school year with a Special Productions focused course tasked with creating a variety of sports hype, documentary and promotional type videos!

Written By: Spencer O'Daniel