News Design Contests
Prepare materials before the convention and upload a PDF to the National Student Media Contest site. The day NSMC registration opens, the contest prompt and materials, including downloadable photos, for the contest will be available. Be careful not to download the material for the prior convention. All contestants must attend the mandatory critique session Friday at the convention or the entry will be disqualified.
This is a general overview of the contest. Read all of the instructions/rules on the prompt carefully.
Use any available software and whatever size template your school uses for its newspaper (broadsheet, 11 x 17 or tabloid). Design Page 1 with a flag/nameplate, stories and photos, and any other graphics and artwork you choose to include. The nameplate should include all the relevant information including the current volume, issue number and date. Use any styles, fonts and sizes that you deem appropriate.
Use ONLY the photos, stories and information provided for Contest 9. You may use as much or as little as you choose. Crop, size and place the photos to fit your design. Do not flip photos. If you use image-editing software to alter an image beyond the bounds of what is journalistically acceptable, ensuring that the image could not be mistaken for a photojournalistic image, label it as a photo illustration. You may create original artwork by hand or with available computer programs. You may create your own illustrations and/or infographics. For any additional elements like pull quotes, quote collections, etc., use details from the material provided rather than placeholder text when possible.
Do not write a story. Use placeholder text for the copy block. Write headlines/subheads and place them on the layout. Use dummy names for photo credits/bylines. Use placeholder text for captions.
The entry is being evaluated on its design. Writing will not be evaluated, but use correct spelling and AP style on any elements you do create.
- Entries that use images or material other than what JEA provides and/or original artwork by the contestant will be disqualified.
- Do not include your name or school name on the design.
- Entry must be submitted as a single PDF file.
WHAT THE JUDGES WILL LOOK FOR: Clean layout; creativity; effective positioning of the elements; effective selection, scaling and cropping of photos; effective font choices and sizes; varied headline sizes; a clear focal point; text flow easy to follow; evidence of consideration for readers; consistent use of styles; creative graphics; a sense of personality or style.
Prepare materials before the convention and upload a PDF to the National Student Media Contest site. The day NSMC registration opens, the contest prompt and materials, including downloadable photos, for the contest will be available. Be careful not to download the material for the prior convention. All contestants must attend the mandatory critique session Friday at the convention or the entry will be disqualified.
This is a general overview of the contest. Read all of the instructions/rules on the prompt carefully.
Use any available software to create a cover and center spread (doubletruck). The entire entry must be submitted as ONE PDF file. The front cover must be 8 1/2 by 11 inches. The center spread must be saved as one 17 inch wide by 11 inch tall spread. Design a nameplate for the cover that includes all relevant information including current volume, issue number and date. Design a folio for the doubletruck. Use any styles, fonts and sizes that you deem appropriate.
Use ONLY the photos, stories and information provided for Contest 9. You may use as much or as little as you choose. Crop, size and place the photos to fit your design. Do not flip photos. If you use image-editing software to alter an image beyond the bounds of what is journalistically acceptable, ensuring that the image could not be mistaken for a photojournalistic image, label it as a photo illustration. You may create original artwork by hand or with available computer programs. You may create your own illustrations and/or infographics. For any additional elements like pull quotes, quote collections, etc., use details from the material provided rather than placeholder text when possible.
Do not write a story. Use placeholder text for the copy block. Write headlines/subheads and place them on the layout. Use dummy names for photo credits/bylines. Use placeholder text for captions.
The entry is being evaluated on its design. Writing will not be evaluated, but use correct spelling and AP style on any elements you do create.
- Entries that use images or material other than what JEA provides and/or original artwork by the contestant will be disqualified.
- Do not include your name or school name on the design.
- Entry must be submitted as a single PDF file.
WHAT THE JUDGES WILL LOOK FOR: Clean layout; evidence of ability to distinguish importance of stories and photos and to position them accordingly; a focal point; effective display of nameplate with full information; copy blocks, headlines, caption blocks and photos placed effectively; proper selection, cropping and scaling of photos; usage of appropriate headline sizes; consistent use of styles throughout; creative graphics.