This award recognizes a teacher who, through the teaching and/or advising of journalism, inspired others to pursue journalism teaching as a career and who has made a positive difference in the teaching community. It was named after Linda S. Puntney, JEA’s executive director from 1989-2010.
Entry Criteria
A narrative of at least 500 words should explain how the teacher being nominated inspired the person making the nomination to pursue a career in teaching/advising scholastic journalism. The nomination must be from a teacher who is a member of JEA and who advises a publication or broadcast program, teaches journalism classes or is retired after having spent at least 10 years in scholastic journalism. Retired journalism teachers and advisers, along with those currently teaching or advising may be nominated. Up to three additional letters of support may be included. Nominations of unsuccessful candidates are retained for a maximum of two additional years and the original nominator is invited to send updated information by the appropriate deadline. Nominators may renominate unsuccessful candidates for consideration after the initial three years.
Judging Criteria
This is a juried award. Entries are evaluated by a national panel of journalism educators consisting of members of the JEA Awards Committee or individual designated by the JEA Awards Committee chair.
Award Recognition
The winner will be acknowledged at the Spring JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention and formally recognized at the summer JEA Advisers Institute luncheon where the winner will be asked to speak. The winner’s travel and hotel will be paid to the Advisers Institute. Honorable mentions may be given.