The Journalism Education Association’s Diversity Award honors a scholastic journalism teacher, student media adviser or scholastic journalism group demonstrating a commitment to cultural awareness and encouraging a multicultural approach with its student media staff, media production and/or community. The honoree must be in the forefront in promoting diversity in the scholastic media arena and must have taken steps to break down walls of misunderstanding and ignorance.
How to Apply
A narrative of up to 500 words should explain how the nominee has demonstrated and encouraged a multicultural approach with student media staff, media production and/or community. Retired journalism teachers and advisers, along with those currently teaching or advising may be nominated and JEA members may nominate themselves or their own programs. Organizations supportive of scholastic journalism also may be nominated. The nomination must be from a JEA member. Three letters of support from other individuals who know the nominee or group are required.
To nominate an individual for the Diversity Award, please fill out this form by Dec. 15.
Award Recognition
This is a juried award. Entries are evaluated by a national panel of journalism educators consisting of members of the JEA Awards Committee. The award program will include one winner. If the winner is a group, an adult representative of that group should receive the award. Honorable mentions may be given. The winner and honorable mentions, if any, will be recognized Saturday awards luncheon during the Spring JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.