This annual award will go to a JEA member whose work has actively supported, defended and fought for student journalists and their advisers on the local, state or national level. Recipients will receive $1,000 and will be encouraged to write an article for C:JET to share their actions and show others how they, too, can make a difference.
The award is endowed by Candace Perkins Bowen, MJE, John Bowen, MJE, and Tom Eveslage, who are long-time crusaders for student press rights. Others who wish to support these values and want to see this award continue are encouraged to donate to the endowment.
How to Apply
A narrative of at least 500 words should explain how the teacher being nominated has actively supported students and/or advisers and their work is unusually beneficial and of superior value to them and to scholastic journalism. The nominee must be a JEA member teacher who advises a publication or broadcast program, teaches journalism classes or is retired after having spent at least 10 years in scholastic journalism. Retired journalism teachers and advisers, along with those currently teaching or advising may be nominated.
Up to three additional letters of support may be included. Nominations of unsuccessful candidates are retained for a maximum of two additional years and the original nominator is invited to send updated information by the appropriate deadline. Nominators may renominate unsuccessful candidates for consideration after the initial three years.
Award Recognition
This is a juried award. Entries are evaluated by a national panel of journalism educators consisting of members of the JEA awards committee, John and Candace Bowen or individuals designated by the JEA awards committee chair. Recipients will be honored at the Fall JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.