About JEA Advisers Institute

July 14-16, 2025 | Providence, Rhode Island

Omni Providence Hotel

The JEA Advisers Institute brings journalism teachers from across the country together for three days of adviser-specific training and networking.

Monday’s opening reception is the first conference session starting at 7:30 p.m. On Tuesday, breakout sessions begin at 9 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. On Wednesday, all attendees will participate in our Team Storytelling experience. This all-day event gets everyone out of the hotel to experience Washington. The Institute ends Wednesday evening.

Sponsorship Opportunities

To secure your sponsorship or get more information, contact Veronica Purvis at veronica@jea.org. See our levels below.

Specs and deadlines

Sponsorship benefits/promotions begin once contract and payment are received. Advisers Institute promotion begins in January, so the earlier sponsorship is secured, the more brand exposure is available.

For sponsorship questions and information contact Veronica Purvis at veronica@jea.org.

Breakout sessions — due by June 1
Tuesday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Session title, description and presenter information due by June 1 or as soon as possible.

Full page ad for conference program — due by June 10
Ad size: 5x8 inches, high-resolution PDF file. Ad due to Amber James at amber@jea.org by June 10.

Mail to:
Journalism Education Association
828 Mid-Campus Drive
014 Kedzie Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506