Minutes of the Journalism Education Association Board Meeting

Minutes of the Journalism Education Association Board Meeting

Minutes of the Journalism Education Association Board Meeting
Convention Center, Portland, Oregon

  • President Ann Visser called the meeting to order at 8:46 a.m.
  • Board members agreed by consensus to suspend the rules and allow the president to speak on matters during the meeting.
  • Past President H.L. Hall called roll. In attendance were:Ann Visser, MJE, president and Finance Committee chair

    Jack Kennedy, MJE, vice president and Scholastic Journalism Week chair

    Susan Tantillo, MJE, secretary and Award Committee co-chair

    H.L. Hall, MJE, past president

    Linda Puntney, MJE, JEA executive director

    Connie Fulkerson, JEA administrative assistant

    Sharon Tally, JEA office manager

    Claudia Ingwersen, JEA office assistant

    Bradley Wilson, CJE, C:JET and Newswire editor and Technology Committee chair

    Carla Harris, MJE, Certification Commission chair

    Lori Oglesbee, CJE, Development/Curriculum Commission chair

    Mary Patrick, Junior High/Middle School Commission chair

    Norma Kneese, MJE, Multicultural Commission chair and Outreach Committee chair

    John Bowen, MJE, Scholastic Press Rights Commission chair

    Steve Matson, MJE, Region 1/Northwest Regional Director

    Ellen Kersey, CJE, Region 2/Southwest Regional Director and Award Committee co-chair

    Bob Bair, MJE, Region 3/North Central Regional Director and Publications Committee chair

    Susan Roberts, MJE, Region 4/South Central Regional Director

    Brenda Gorsuch, MJE, Region 5/Southeast Regional Director

    Carmen Mann, CJE, Region 6/Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes Regional Director

    Jane Blystone, MJE, Region 7/Northeast Regional Director and Scholarship Committee chair

    Luane Higuchi, Outreach Participant

    Jennifer Chavez-Miller, Outreach Participant

    Diane Honda, MJE, NCTE Liaison/Assembly Director

    Julie Dodd, MJE, Scholastic Press Association Directors Liaison and Nominations Committee chair

    Candace Perkins Bowen, MJE, JEA Listserv Liaison

    Tom Rolnicki, NSPA Executive Director

    Katie Pennock, 2002 JOY recipient

  • Approval of board and general membership meeting minutes (Dallas):Corrections to board meeting minutes for November 21:

    Page 1: Diane Honda, NCTE Liaison, was absent as she was attending the NCTE convention.

    Page 5, last bullet point should read: Julie Dodd asked if JEA or other scholastic groups have policies regarding including in contests students who choose to be home schooled. Currently JEA has no policy. No action was taken.

    Corrections to general business meeting minutes for November 22:

    Page 1, end of third bullet point should read: Julie announced that the candidates’ bios and photos and 150-word statement of goals would be published in Newswire and be posted on the web by mid-December.

    Page 3 should read: Carla Harris, Certification chair, announced that there have been 639 CJE recipients and 117 MJE recipients since the program began and reminded members that they needed to renew their certification every five years.

    Page 3 should read: Candace Perkins Bowen, past president, reported that the National Journalism Standards for Journalism Educators had been approved by the AEJMC at their national convention, and we need to get a copy of those teacher standards to the state departments of education.

  • Matson moved to accept both sets of minutes as corrected. Second by Kennedy. Motion passed.

Old Business

  • Profit/Loss Statement (Dallas)…PuntneyPuntney reported JEA income of $208,841 (including Write-offs) from the Dallas convention and JEA expenses of $80,824.01 for a JEA profit of $128,216.99. Rolnicki said some bad debt would still be collected. Bad debt total of $5,004 is split between JEA and NSPA. There were 5,278 total delegates – 4,754 paid.
  • Quarterly Financial Statements…PuntneyPuntney presented the July 2002 through February 2003 Profit/Loss with Budget. To date JEA is $375,220.91 short of expected income and $453,634.02 short of expected expenses for the fiscal year. Puntney stressed JEA’s philosophy of estimating income low and expenses high and reminded the board that four months remain in the fiscal year from this report. She also reminded the board a transfer from savings/investments has never been made in the past and she does not expect to have to do that in the 2002-2003 fiscal year.
  • JEA Portfolio Performance…PuntneyPuntney summarized JEA’s portfolio performance April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2003:

    Balance on April 1, 2002, was $423,316 and on March 31, 2003, was $392,347 for a loss of $30,969 or 7.32%. Puntney noted our portfolio managers say average losses by all investors in that time were 13%. Overall JEA portfolio performance since changing investment strategy March 31, 2000, has been a gain of 17.4%.

  • Motion by Roberts, seconded by Kennedy, regarding membership information being provided to Regional Directors failed. After discussion a more specific motion by Hall, seconded by J. Bowen, passed: Membership information will be given to Regional Directors on March 1 and October 1. Regional Directors would then report the membership gains and losses at each board meeting.
  • AP Journalism Class…HallHall continues to monitor progress here. Lee Jones, College Board director, says his group must first decide whether to continue with all the courses/exams they offer now. That decision may come in May. Then it will decide whether to offer new ones. Hall reminded the board this is a long, slow process and it will need to involve colleges before it can become reality.
  • NCTE Book Update…C. BowenNASSP Bookstore is a possibility for increased sales. Blystone reported the Pennsylvania Scholastic Press Association will give this book to all new advisers.
  • National Standards…C. BowenWith Journalism Educator standards complete, the focus now is National Standards for Journalism Students. These will be coordinated with AEJMC. Committee to develop National Standards for Journalism Students: C. Bowen, chair; Roberts and Tantillo.
  • Let Freedom Ring Award…J. BowenJ. Bowen reported the award is in its fourth year. The revised first-round questionnaire will be out this month. This program may join with the Freedom Forum’s similar recognition program.
  • Annual Reports/Guidelines…KennedyKennedy distributed copies of the current (and final) Semi-Annual Report and referred board members to page 7 for Wilson’s description of how the Annual Report will work. Kennedy clarified the board’s decision in Dallas regarding this report: The Annual Report deadline will be March 15 to the vice president for the report to be presented at each spring convention. That information can be updated until May 15 for the final Annual Report to be mailed to all members.
  • Committee to consider the number of National Journalist of the Year entrants per state: Hall, chair; Kersey, J. Bowen, Roberts, Oglesbee, Bair, Honda, Blystone.
  • Advisers Institute…PuntneyThree sequences will be offered in 2003:

    Sequence 1, Nashville Advisers Retreat: June 16-20, Nashville, Tenn.

    Sequence 2, Advising School Publications: July 20-25, Manhattan, Kan.

    Sequence 3, Desktop Publishing: July 25-30, Manhattan, Kan.

    Cost is $285 per sequence. Graduate credit is $185 per credit hour, maximum two hours. Dorothy McPhillips scholarships are available based on need.

  • Teacher Inspiration Award…KneeseKneese received eight nominations for the first Teacher Inspiration Award. The recipient will be honored at Saturday’s lunch. Kneese recommended development of criteria and a rubric for the award for future years. All those nominated will receive a letter, a certificate and copies of their nomination letters. Committee to develop criteria and rubric for Teacher Inspiration Award: Kneese, chair; Puntney, C. Bowen. The Teacher Inspiration Award Committee is a subcommittee of the Award Committee.
  • Mentoring Program…OglesbeeOglesbee called attention to her section of the Semi-Annual Report, page 6. She requested that names of new advisers be sent to her. She will contact them to find out if they want mentors.
  • Middle School Contest…PatrickPatrick presented her proposal for Middle-Level Contests to be conducted as a pilot program in Washington, D.C. She moved and Oglesbee seconded that the proposal be adopted. After discussion the motion was tabled on a motion by Mann, seconded by Harris.

    Removing the item from the table, the board passed the following amended motion by Patrick, seconded by Oglesbee: I move the Middle-Level Contests be a pilot program at the fall 2003 and spring 2004 conventions with a report as to success and recommendations given at the JEA board meeting in spring 2004. Contests would include photography, feature writing and student-designed layouts for yearbook inside pages, newspaper front page and literary magazine inside pages. Entries would be limited to six per school with a student allowed to enter only one contest. Cost would be $10 per school with a school adviser being a current member of JEA. Other particulars of contest implementation are described in Patrick’s original proposal except carry-in contest items will be collected at the Write-off desk, not the registration table.

  • Career Brochure…PuntneyThis is a brochure to promote interest in becoming a scholastic journalism educator. Puntney is seeking testimony from current and retired journalism educators about why this is a viable career. Deadline is June 1.
  • Think Tanks…VisserThe board brainstormed possible topics for consideration by Think Tanks: 1) better relationships with organizations making decisions affecting journalism teachers/publications advisers, e.g., NASSP; 2) future of scholastic journalism; 3) school boards; 4) relationships with colleagues, e.g., English teachers and career/technology teachers.
  • Tennessee Outreach…Puntney/HallSequence 1 of the Advisers Institute is designed to help here. Hall reported 17 current members in Tennessee as a result of promotion. The outreach effort is to prepare to host the JEA/NSPA convention in fall 2006. Scholastic press organizations at Vanderbilt University in Nashville and in Bowling Green, Ky., are involved in the outreach.
  • Publications Advertising…Puntney/WilsonWilson commended Ingwersen for her superb efforts in ad sales, especially for summer workshops in Newswire. Newswire has averaged $623.35 in ads per issue in the first three issues of this fiscal year for a total of $2206.66. Wilson explained C:JET is over budget for the year due to use of color.

New Business

  • Proposed Convention Sites…Puntney/Rolnicki

Rolnicki reported considering Denver or San Francisco for spring 2006. Dates of upcoming conventions are

 Nov. 20-23, 2003, Washington, D.C.

 April 1-4, 2004, San Diego

 Nov. 18-21, 2004, Atlanta

 April 7-10, 2005, Seattle

 Nov. 10-13, 2005, Chicago

 Nov. 9-12, 2006, Nashville

Rolnicki reported preliminary Portland numbers as of Monday, April 7: 3,481 versus 2,355 in 1994, the last time the convention was in Portland.

He alerted the board to the necessary policy of not giving refunds for those who choose not to attend a convention after registering due to a threat of war or terrorism. This policy is required by JEA/NSPA’s financial commitments to hotels and convention centers that will not rebate money. He said understanding this is especially important in light of the fall convention in Washington, D.C. Wilson said Newswire would publish an article to alert members about this policy.

  • Partnerships…Puntney


  • Bylaw Changes…Puntney

Kennedy moved and Hall seconded adopting the proposed changes to bylaws 3.09 and 8.03. Motion passed. Changes: Delete final sentence of bylaw 3.09: The secretary shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Hotline service to members. Change 8.03 to read: Standing committees shall be Award, Nominating, Contest (includes Write-offs), Publications, Technology, Executive/Finance, Outreach, Scholastic Journalism Week and Scholarship.

  • Listserv Solicitations…C. Bowen

The board considered the following questions: Is the listserv for all members? Regular members? Associate members? Kennedy moved and Oglesbee seconded that the listserv shall remain an open forum for all JEA members. Motion passed.

  • MJE/CJE PR…Roberts

Roberts expressed her concern about lack of publicity going to schools and communities of those receiving MJE and CJE recognition. Harris and Puntney explained letters already go to principals and press releases go to media listed by candidates. Certification directories go to principals and recipients of CJE and MJE designations. Discussion consensus was that Regional and State directors should follow up with their own recognition of these individuals.

  • Regional/State Directors…Kersey

Kersey raised the question of whether a Regional Director could be a State Director also. Nothing in the bylaws precludes this. Consensus of the board is that Regional Directors should work to find State Directors, even in their own states, to broaden grassroots involvement and encourage young advisers to get involved formally.

  • Membership Directory/Mailings…C. Bowen

Puntney said she would emphasize the cutoff date for the membership directory in renewal materials.

  • Board Reorganization…Hall

Hall moved and Mann seconded that we begin the process of exploring the possibility of reorganizing the board in Washington, D.C., based upon the needs and goals of the organization. Motion passed.

  •  Elections/Tie…Hall

Hall will propose a bylaw change, as Article V, Section 4, for vote by the board in Washington, D.C.

  • Proposed budget…Visser

Puntney explained that $41.66 of a member’s $45 goes to printing and mailing of publications. Therefore, successful conventions are a must if JEA is to continue to offer a wide range of programs and services.

She also provided a breakdown of expenditures by JEA goal as follows:

Goal 1: 48% Provide resources and educational opportunities for professional development of journalism teachers and advisers.

Goal 2: 32% Offer programs which meet a wide variety of member needs.

Goal 3: 4% Support free and responsible scholastic journalism.

Goal 4: 2% Foster an organizational outlook which encompasses diversity, yet builds unity.

Goal 5: 5% Provide leadership in media education.

Goal 6: 9% Recognize outstanding achievement and significant contribution in scholastic journalism.

Above information will be communicated to members.

Visser’s proposed budget for July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004, included expenditures of $872,657. Highlights of the proposed budget include

 • provide for regional meetings in the Tennessee/Kentucky area to stimulate membership in preparation for the 2006 convention in Nashville

 • change Newswire to an online publication

 • rewrite five curriculum guides

 • increase JEA presence at NASSP conventions to expand networking with administrators

 • increase travel money for executive officers to promote JEA across the country

 • renew Think Tank budget item originally included in the 2002-03 budget

 • continue all other existing programs and services

After discussing and amending specific budget amounts, Matson moved and Hall seconded that the budget be approved as amended. Motion passed. Puntney will provide board members with an amended budget.


(Updates of material in the April 2003 Semi-Annual Report)

  • Convention Updates…Puntney/C. Bowen. Handled under New Business Proposed Convention Sites.
  • Headquarters…Puntney : Puntney reported the January 2003 death of Ruth Marie Griggs, JEA president 1967-69 and a long-time Indianapolis, Ind., journalism educator. Puntney passed around a booklet commemorating Griggs’ contributions to scholastic journalism. Puntney said Headquarters staff is redesigning JEA’s brochures to be more user-friendly.
  • Student Press Law Center Board Report…J. Bowen/C. Bowen
  • J. Bowen gave an update on SPLC’s Advisory Council reorganization. He said cases to watch for results with impact on scholastic media include
  • Hosty v. Carter (Governors State University in Illinois) related to Hazelwood as applicable to college papers and
  •  Wooster High School (Ohio) related to open forum issue.
  • Development/Curriculum Commission…Oglesbee

Five curriculum guides will be rewritten in the next fiscal year. Kennedy will update the newspaper curriculum. Oglesbee will update the yearbook curriculum. She will seek authors to update three others.

  • Certification Commission…Harris : Harris reported 23 new CJEs and five new MJEs would be honored at Saturday’s luncheon along with 19 renewing CJEs and 10 renewing MJEs. Fifteen candidates (14 CJE and one MJE) are scheduled to test at this convention. She expressed special thanks to all Headquarters personnel who help with the Certification Program.
  • Scholarship Committee…Blystone: Blystone reported receiving 36 Journalist of the Year candidate portfolios to judge for the 2003 recipient. This is an increase of four over 2002. She has 16 judges.
  • Nominations Committee…Dodd : Dodd thanked all candidates for being willing to run. She reminded board members that committees, state directorships, and outreach are all ways to develop potential officers for the future. She asked whether the board thought campaigning limited to Newswire and the website worked and reminded board members her committee had determined a direct mailing by a candidate to all eligible voters would cost about $700. Consensus of the board was in favor of the limited campaign approach.Hall thanked Tony Gomez, MJE and unsuccessful vice presidential candidate, for all his years on the JEA board and all he has done for JEA over the years.
  • Newswire and C:JET…Wilson : Referencing, page 6 of the Semi-Annual Report, Wilson explained that C:JET is over budget due to use of color. He called attention to the survey results from last spring indicating Newswire is a valuable publication to members. He also said Newswire almost broke even for this fiscal year due to increased advertising.Wilson also asked for article ideas and volunteers to write then saying he has only three articles in reserve.
  • NCTE…Honda : Honda distributed her contribution to the Semi-Annual Report. At the San Francisco NCTE convention in November 2003, in conflict with JEA in Washington, D.C., JEA will sponsor two sessions with a change in focus. Honda said JEA would be more successful trying to bring journalism to English teachers rather than trying to appeal to the few journalism teachers who may be there. The first session is by Mark Arax, author and LA Times columnist, who will talk about his work as an investigative reporter and how he crafts his facts to tell as story. Honda intends to promote JEA at the door to this session where she expects more than 100 English teachers to attend. The second session is an Intensive Journalism workshop aimed at AP English Language and Composition teachers as an alternative approach. Presenters are Carol Lange, Fran Sharer and Ron Bennett.
  • Scholastic Press Associations…Dodd : Dodd reported that the Scholastic Journalism Division of AEJMC has accrediting standards encouraging service to public schools. The most successful programs will receive awards for Innovative Outreach to Scholastic Journalism.

Matters Introduced by Members

  •  Deadline for new or revised job descriptions is June 1 to Headquarters.
  •  Wilson distributed information about student input for America 24/7, a digital time capsule May 12-18, 2003. More information is available at www.america24-7.com . Fifty-one books will be published.
  • Hall moved and Kennedy seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Visser adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m

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